Our Parish

Welcome, and thank you for visiting our Parish website.

The Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary is one of the largest in Limerick City.
The population within the Parish boundaries is more than 6,500.
The Christian presence in this area dates back to the 10th Century and to the ruins of Old Church and beyond.

Click here for a history of the parish.

Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Saturday Vigil 6pm
  • Sunday 10am, 11:30am
  • Monday to Friday 10am
  • Vigil of Holy Day 6pm
  • Holy Day 10am, 11:30am
  • Adoration 10:30am to 11:30am on First Fridays
  • Baptisms Sunday 12:15pm
    and Saturday 5pm
  • Marriages by appointment

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