Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Ennis Road, Limerick
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Diocese of Limerick

Information Evenings

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Date(s) - 6 Feb 2013
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Do you claim all your tax entitlements?
Would you like to start your own business?
How can you retrain or up-skill?
Would you like to get back to education?

These topics,and many more questions,will be covered on two information evenings at Parish Hall @ 7.30pm

Education and Back to Work Support

Two speakers-both experts in their fields-will attend each night and talk about theit subjects  – Afterwards they will answer your questions

Tea/Coffee will be served afterwards          

Names associated:

Rory O,Neill-roryoneill@deloitte.ie
Kate Healy  -Kate.Healy@eielectronics.ie
theyoungs  – theyoungs@eircom.net
John Paul Cronin-johnpaulcrnn752@gmail.com
Michael Duffy-mdhome@iol.ie
Edel Geraghty-egeraghty4@gmail.com
Martin Golden-martingolden@gmail.com