A Lecture by Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel at St. Saviour's Parish Hall on Monday 10 March.
Limerick Choral Festival 2025 - Opening Concert - Friday 28th February
Boxes of Envelopes for 2025, for contributions to the Offertory Collection, are available in the Church. Please find yours on the top seat; they are arranged by envelope number.
Envelopes for Christmas Dues for the Parish Clergy and for the Sacristan are being distributed to homes in the parish at this time.
Annual Carol Service with the Voices of Limerick on Saturday 14 December at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 6:45 pm.
The annual church gate collection will be taken up this weekend 7/8 December. All money collected is passed on for distribution and any expenses incurred are met by the Knights of St. Columbanus.
The Christmas collection for the local conference of the St. Vincent De Paul Society will be taken up after each Mass next weekend, Saturday 30 Nov. & Sunday 1 Dec.
The full text of the Bishop's Homily at the Jubilee Celebration Mass on 6th October 2024.
A note on our Novena of Celebration and the Jubilee Mass.
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